
You Can Do It!


​The YCDI program has been implemented at the beginning of this term.

The YCDI program is a collaborative school, home and community capability-building framework aims to help ALL children to achieve to the best of their ability and to develop social-emotional-behaviour wellbeing that will set them up for life.

At Cecil Plains our goal with the YCDI program is to enable all students to achieve academic, social and emotional success by using this program in conjunction with our High Five program and the students STARS goals.

The YCDI program is based around 5 keys to success: Getting Along, Organisation, Persistence, Confidence and Resilience and the 12 Positive Habits of the Mind and how these work together to help students gain success academically, socially and emotionally.  The YCDI program also identifies 5 potential blockers: Feeling very angry-misbehaving, Not paying attention-disturbing others, Procrastination, Feeling very worried and Feeling very down and 12 Negative Habits of the Mind, that could stop students from being as successful as they would like to be. The lessons within this program will enable students to develop the skills to overcome these blockers.

The Five Keys to Success

Getting Along

Getting Along means working well with teachers and classmates, resolving disagreements peacefully, following the rules of the classroom and making positive contributions to school, home and the community including protecting the rights of others and looking after the environment. Some examples of how students can use the Getting Along key include: 

  • Being helpful when working in a group

  • Listening and not interrupting in class when someone else is talking

  • Sharing materials

  • Following important classroom and school rules

  • Talking rather than fighting when someone acts unfairly

As well as the 5 keys to success the YCDI program also has 12 positive Habits of the Mind that students can use to gain their successes.  In relation to the key Getting Along students can use the following Habits of the Mind:

  • Being Tolerant of Others – accepting that everyone acts unfairly towards others some of the time, and not making overall judgements of people’s character (“good person”, “bad person”) based on their differences or behaviour.

  • Thinking First – thinking that when someone treats me badly I need to think about different ways I can react, the consequences of each and the impact of my actions on the other person’s feelings.

  • Playing By the Rules – thinking that by following important school and home rules, I will live in a better world where everyone’s rights are protected.

  • Social Responsibility – thinking that it’s important to be caring, to try hard and to do my best, to be fair to others, to make sure that everyone has the freedom to say what they think and feel without fear, to be honest and tell the truth, to have integrity by making sure that I do what I say when I going to, to respect others and have nice manners, to act responsibly by making good choices, sorting out problems without fighting, caring about nature and other living things, and to be understanding and including others who are different.


Organisation means setting a goal to do your best in your school work, listening carefully to your teachers instructions, planning your time so that you are not rushed, having all your supplies ready and keeping track of your assignments’ due dates.

  • Some examples of how students can use the Organisation key include:

  • Having a goal to do your very best in school

  • Recording homework and assignment due dates in a homework planned

  • Handing homework in on time

  • Making sure you understand the teachers instructions before beginning work

  • Bringing to school important materials

  • Having a neat desk

As well as the 5 keys to success the YCDI program also has 12 positive Habits of the Mind that students can use to gain their successes.  In relation to the key Organisation students can use the following Habits of the Mind.

  • Setting Goals – thinking that setting a goal can help me to be more successful at a tasks.

  • Planning My Time – thinking about how long it will take me to do my schoolwork and planning enough time to get it done. 


Confidence means knowing that you will likely be successful and that people like you. It means not being afraid to make mistakes or to try something new.  It means looking and sounding confident.

Some examples of how students can use the Confidence key include: 

  •  Trying something new

  • Talking with a strong voice

  •  Trying to do something hard without asking the teacher for help

  •  Asking to play with others

  • Expressing an opinion that might not be popular

As well as the 5 keys to success the YCDI program also has 12 positive Habits of the Mind that students can use to gain their successes.  In relation to the key Confidence students can use the following Habits of the Mind:

  • I Can Do It – thinking that I’m more likely to be successful than I am to fail.

  • Accepting Myself – not thinking badly about myself when I make a mistake.

  • Taking Risks – thinking that it’s good to try something new even though I might not be able to do it.

  • Being Independent – thinking that it’s important to try new activities and to speak up even if my classmates think I’m silly or stupid.


Persistence means trying hard to do your best and not giving up when something feels like it’s too difficult or boring.

Some examples of how students can use the Persistence key include:

  • Learning spelling words

  • Finishing all math problems before the end of class

  • Not getting distracted when doing work

  • Checking written work for errors in punctuation

  • Not giving up when doing a complicated assignment

  • Being patient when learning new skills

As well as the 5 keys to success the YCDI program also has 12 positive Habits of the Mind that students can use to gain their successes.  In relation to the key Persistence students can use the following Habits of the Mind:

  • I can Do It – thinking that I’m more likely to be successful than I am to fail.

  • Giving Effort – thinking that the harder I try, the more successful I will be, and knowing that success is not caused by external factors (luck, ease of the task), but by internal factors (effort).

  • Working Tough – thinking that in order to be successful in the future, I sometimes have to do things that are not easy or fun in the present.


Resilience means knowing how to stay calm and being able to stop yourself from getting extremely angry, down or worried when something “bad” happens.  It means being able to calm down and feel better when you get upset and being able to control your behaviour when you are upset so that you bounce back quicker.

Some examples of how students can use the Resilience key include: 

  • Not getting extremely angry and fighting when someone is mean or acts unfairly

  • Not worrying a lot about having to take a test or meeting someone new

  • Not getting very down or staying away from people when you do not understand something or get a bad mark

  • Calming down within a reasonable amount of the time after being extremely angry, down or worried

  • Bouncing back to work or play after being upset.

 High Fives and Five Keys

The following information demonstrates how the Five Keys to Success and the 12 Habits of the Mind fit in with the school's current High Five program.

Be Responsible

Thinking First (Getting Along)

Planning My Time (Organisation)

Being Independent (Confidence)

Be Respectful

Social Responsibility (Getting Along)

Being Tolerant of Others (Getting Along)

Be A Learner

Social Responsibility (Getting Along)

Planning My Time (Organisation)

Setting Goals (Organisation)

Giving Effort (Persistence)

Working Tough (Persistence)

I Can Do It (Confidence)

Being Independent (Confidence)

Taking Risks (Confidence)

Be Encouraging

I Can Do It (You Can Do It) (Confidence)

Taking Risks (Confidence)

Accepting Myself (Confidence)

Be Safe

Playing by the Rules (Getting Along)

Thinking First (Getting Along)

Last reviewed 06 February 2020
Last updated 06 February 2020